

Rosalía Tuch Méndez

12th year

First: Tzutujil   Second: Spanish

Instituto de Educación Básica Por Cooperativa “Luisa y Benjamin Paul”, San Pedro La Laguna

Parents (Names and Professions)
Nicolás Tuch González (Deceased) and Manuela Méndez Trejo (Housewife)

Family Situation
Rosalia is the second of three children, she was born into an intact and economically stable family. The sudden death of her father in an accident at work changed everything. Because the family didn’t have life insurance, his death left the family in misery. Rosalia’s mother took over the house and the debt that her husband had with the bank. She does not have a salary because she is busy with work around the house. The lack of money makes it extremely difficult for her to support three children. Rosalia’s older brother left to study because of all the economic problems and her younger sister will be in the 9th grade. It will be impossible for her mother to be able to pay for the children’s education

School SituationRosalia_Family
Rosalia helps her mother every time she can. She used to have a normal childhood but the death of her father radically changed her life. Rosalia must work as much as possible in her free time in order to help her family financially.

Rosalia likes being in school. She studies with enthusiasm and covers her own school supplies. Next year She will be enrolled in 12th grade and it will be her last year at that level.

Date of Initiation

Approximate Date of Termination
School: October

Food Assistance: October

Expense Breakdown (USD)
Registration Fees: $185
School Supplies: $230
Food Assistance: $534

Total: $949 ($94.9/month)

Project Signature

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